Updating for Oculus Go

In this article you’ll find how you can update Look & Play to the most recent version on your Oculus Go headset. You will need:

- Oculus Go headset

- Latest Look & Play version for Oculus Go (downloads page)

- Micro USB cable

- Computer

For good measure make sure to uninstall any current installed versions of Look & Play.

Developer Mode

To install Look & Play your Oculus Go has to be in developer mode. To enable developer mode open the Oculus App on your smartphone and search for the Oculus Go in the list of devices. Look for the option developer mode and tap the button to turn this on. If your account is not a verified developer account, follow the steps below:

  • Go to the developer dashboard at: https://developer.oculus.com/manage/verify/
  • Either enter a credit card or enable Two Factor Authentication
  • Verify your account
  • Enable developer mode in the Oculus App on your smartphone

Connect the USB cable to your Oculus Go headset. A new pop-up should show asking to allow the connected computer to communicate with the headset. Press allow (and toggle don't ask again if preferred).


Download the latest version of Look & Play from the Look & Play dashboard, linked above. Extract the zip-archive, plug-in your headset to the computer and double click the install.bat file to start the installation. 


Download the latest version of Look & Play from the Look & Play dashboard, linked above.

Install SideQuest for Mac. This allows you to sideload applications to the Oculus Go headset. Extract the zip-archive, plug-in your headset to the computer and look for the apk file in the folder you’ve downloaded. 

In SideQuest, look for the Install APK option and select the Look & Play apk.

Starting Look & Play

Once the installation is completed, you can find Look & Play in the Unknown Sources list of Applications.

NOTE: The Oculus GO is no longer supported by Meta and therefore new updates for Look & Play can no longer be made available through the Oculus Store. Older users of Look & Play might still have an Oculus Store installation on their headset which is shown in the Apps window as pictured below. This is not the right version to open Look & Play anymore. Always open the application through unknown sources.


How to use Look & Play Read

Updating for Pico Read

Try Look & Play before purchasing Read